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Join the MBF now / Renew your membership

Existing members - please note that you may also use this page to renew your subscription.  If you're renewing your membership, please complete your details in the relevant boxes and select the "existing member renewal" option in the submission type.


New members - Current STANDARD MEMBERSHIP subscription rates are as follows:

  • UK & Ireland including BFPO & Channel Islands

    • Adult £27.00

    • 16 to 18 year olds £20.00

  • Overseas including Europe

    • All ages £47.00

All subscriptions include 12 issues of the Model Bus Journal.  All membership commences on the 1st day of the month of receipt, and continues for eleven further months.


The optional FLEET OPERATOR'S SUPPLEMENT is published 4 times a year in addition to the monthly Model Bus Journal and subscription rates are as follows:

  • UK & Ireland including BFPO & Channel Islands

    • All ages £11.00

  • Overseas including Europe

    • All ages £18.00


​You can join and pay on-line using the form on this page.  The transactions are processed by PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account, you can pay directly using your credit or debit card.  If you have a PayPal account, you will be given the option of using that if you want to.


To pay by credit or debit card or by PayPal, please complete the online form and select ONE of the membership options.  When you reach the PayPal page you can choose to pay using your PayPal account or pay using a debit or credit card.

If you wish to pay by cheque, please print out the Membership Form below and send it off by post to the address given on the form, along with your payment.

Postal Membership

Application Form

Model Bus Federation - The world's leading model bus authority for over 50 years
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