The Journal
The Model Bus Journal is the monthly glossy colour magazine which all members receive, and it contains articles, written mainly by members, but occasionally by "outside" experts, covering a wide variety of subjects, which typically include scratchbuilt models, kit reviews, a look at the latest die-casts from all around the world, kit modifications, plans, and articles on full size vehicles, hints and tips and plenty of photographs. Members letters and private ads are also included.
Each Journal has a minimum 32 information-packed pages and represents excellent value for your membership subscription!
For details of the MBF and your FREE sample copy of Model Bus Journal, please send an A5 (9"x7") SAE to:
Paul Coley, MBF Publicity Officer,
21 Plough Close, Aylesbury HP21 9AD
or e-mail: publicity@model-bus-federation.org.uk
or complete your details on the Free Sample Journal section on the Contact Us page.