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R175 - AEC Regal I / Roe BET Style 1938
R179 - AEC Reliance or Leyland Leopard Plaxton Panorama 36ft 1960's
R181 - Leyland PLSC1 Lion / Short B31F
R190 - Dennis Domino / Optare
R191 - Leyland PLSC1 Lion / Short B31F
R193 - Alexander Y-Type 36ft C49F 1960's
R194 - AEC Regal III Burlingham coach
R195 - Leyland Tiger TS8 / Roe BET Style 1938
R200 - Guy GS / ECW 1954
R201 - AEC Renown/LGOC "Scooter" LT Class 1921
R208 - Bristol / Alexander M-Type Motorway Coach C42Ft
R211 - Leyland PLSC1 Lion / B29D Municipal
R212 - Bristol LS / ECW Royal Blue Coach
R213 - Bristol LS6G / ECW Touring Coach with roof lights
R214 - Burlingham Seagull 30ft Coach C41C
R215 - Bedford OB / Duple Vista 1945
R216 - Ford Transit / Strachan Mk1 16 Seat Minibus
R217 - Duple Dominant I / 10m Coach Low Destination Coach/Grant Door